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Use of Artificial Intelligence to Facilitate Personalised Community
Stroke Rehabilitation

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Stroke rehabilitation is crucial to minimize impairment in stroke survivors. However, community rehabilitation services in Hong Kong are limited, and have been severely affected during the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, potentially jeopardizing the recovery potential of stroke survivors. This interdisciplinary collaborative project, involving the Sport AI Lab of the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering  and the Department of Medicine, HKU Stroke and the The Hong Kong Society for Rehabilitation aims to develop a mobile application incorporating artificial intelligence to facilitate community rehabilitation in stroke patients. The application will be integrated into services of the HK Society of Rehabilitation to assist physicians and therapists and enable patients to continue with rehabilitation exercises at home or in elderly centres, hence providing a timely solution during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Project Objectives:

  • To develop a mobile application (App) for stroke patients which incorporates posture analysis and artificial intelligence with the aim of facilitating home and community rehabilitation for stroke patients;

  • To promote the use of artificial intelligence and IT technology for coaching and supervision of rehabilitation exercise;

  • To obtain feedback from stroke patients, therapists and clinicians about the usability, acceptability and usefulness of such an App in facilitating community rehabilitation;

  • To test the feasibility of deploying such an App to stroke patients in the community setting; and

  • To prove the effectiveness of using mobile technology to facilitate stroke rehabilitation in the community setting and pave the way for a larger scale external grant such as the Innovation Technology Fund.

Target Deliverables in 2020/21:

  • An AI mobile App to facilitate community rehabilitation in stroke patients;

  • A video for promoting the use of this mobile App for stroke rehabilitation;

  • A pilot study involving stroke survivors and therapists to collect feedback on the user interface, usability, acceptability and usefulness in facilitating stroke rehabilitation;

  • Feedback from all users and therapists of the App within the HK Society for Rehabilitation;

  • Publish the trial result in the public domain, such as a newspaper; and

  • A project website.

Collaborative parties

Sport AI Lab of the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering  
Department of Medicine, 
HKU Stroke
The Hong Kong Society of Rehabilitation

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Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, The University of Hong Kong

2022-2024, all right reserved

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